Nippori Fabric Town lies in a quiet part of Nippori, just east of the Yamanote Line station and makes for just as exciting of an adventure for fabric aficionados, as it does for most of us non-connoisseurs. With over 90 shops (see a full map here) selling anything from fabrics, leather, buttons, zippers, beads - you name it - Nippori Fabric Town has established itself as a hotspot for Tokyo’s textile lovers over the past century and is an ideal place to get some inspiration for your next creative endeavor.
Tomato is perhaps the neighbourhood’s most famous and easily most recognizable establishment, boasting several shops along the main street and a main building that stretches over a whopping five floors. Each of Tomato’s stores is dedicated to slightly different types of fabrics including textiles for interiors, a shop dedicated to sewing kits and even an outlet where can have your very own fabric designs printed.

Like Tomato, And Leather is also divided into several shops, although smaller, where you can find not just leather pieces but also leather-related accessories and even kits to make your very own, custom-made leather goods.
Maki Ito is a quirky little shop that sells custom-cut leather and fur products of many kinds, while also offering a repair service for clothing and accessories such as leather jackets, bags, fur coats, scarves etc. The shop is easy to miss, so look out for the street displays of buttons, metal accessories and leather pieces that mark the entrance of the shop.
Make your way down further on the main street, which will slowly start to quiet down, and discover more local gems such as humongous, which sells woodblock-printed fabrics, or Yasuda Shoten which specializes in hemp textiles.
On your way back towards Nippori Station, be sure to make your final stop at Momo, a hip store selling many original fabrics made from natural materials such as hemp, linen, silk and cotton which do not just feel, but also simply look good.

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